Who do you think was the best woman pharaoh was? Well you may be surprised at my answer, but it is all true. The three best woman pharaohs were Hatshepsut, Nefertiti, and Cleopatra. You may not know any of these people, but come on, who would, right? Hatshepsut (see image on the right) was the best woman pharaoh that Egypt had. No lie! She was also a well respected woman of Egypt. She seems like one powerful person to me.
Hatshepsut was born in 1520 B.C. in Egypt. She was the eldest daughter of Thutmose I and Queen Ahmose. She was also the only surviving child of Thutmose I and Queen Ahmose. She must have been something special since she was the only one that survived. Ha ha. Right. Anyways, Hatshepsut was required to marry her step-brother, Thutmose II. I know that you are thinking that her parents are a couple of nutcases for making her marry her step-brother, but back then that was very common. Hatshepsut and Thutmose II had a daughter named Neferure. Yes, back then people had all sorts of weird names.
Hatshepsut was born in 1520 B.C. in Egypt. She was the eldest daughter of Thutmose I and Queen Ahmose. She was also the only surviving child of Thutmose I and Queen Ahmose. She must have been something special since she was the only one that survived. Ha ha. Right. Anyways, Hatshepsut was required to marry her step-brother, Thutmose II. I know that you are thinking that her parents are a couple of nutcases for making her marry her step-brother, but back then that was very common. Hatshepsut and Thutmose II had a daughter named Neferure. Yes, back then people had all sorts of weird names.
Hatshepsut also had a name that everybody called her. She was called the "king" of Egypt. Ironic, right, because she is a girl. Being called a king back then was a symbol of the power that you had. She also gave herself full pharaonic powers from the offices. She was one interesting woman!
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