There was one mysterious woman pharaoh out of Hatshepsut, Nefertiti, and Cleopatra. Can you guess which one it is? Well if you guessed Nefertiti, you are right. Nefertiti was the most mysterious woman pharaoh because, just one day, she just disappeared. You're probably wondering how a pharaoh just disappears out of the blue. Well nobody has every figured out what had happened to her. People have different theories of what happened, but the one that makes the most sense is that she snuck out.
Nefertiti married a king named Akhenaten. King Akhenaten was a royal king that always went to ceremonies with Nefertiti. Nefertiti only went to the ceremonies to show her political importance to her husband. Lots of people believe that Nefertiti just had enough with all of the royal junk and just snuck out. I mean like, wouldn't you think people were watching her the whole time she was somewhere? Like bodyguards or someone would be protecting her, but no, no one was. When her disappearance was announced, they pronounced her dead. After Nefertiti's "death" the temple found a new pharaoh that looked a lot like Nefertiti. It wasn't a coincidence either. Nefertiti disguised herself as a young pharaoh to overthrow her husbands power! It seems like you wouldn't want to get on Nefertiti's bad side because she will avenge you. Beware!
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