Hatshepsut had made one of the coolest temples in my opinion. Her temple was actually a request from the gods to make. Her temple was carved in the side of a mountain. I know I bet you think that is totally awesome, which it is! After she had made the temple, the gods also asked her to paint a scenery of them on the walls of it. I thought that the gods were a little demanding, but if you weren't nice to them, very bad things happened to you. Dun-dun-dunnn. After Hatshepsut had finished the gods scenery, she decided to put up a scenery of her "divine" birth. Hatshepsut's temple took her 15 years to build. Now that's a long time, but not for building temples actually. Her temple was called Djeser-Djeseru, which translates to "The holy of the Holies". Hatshepsut also made a burial tomb inside of her temple for her and her father. She seems like one loyal daughter to me!
Wow!! I didn't know any of that!! You did great on this project!!